
Laptop Safety on a College Campus

The development of new technologies has changed our world as we used to know it. In the past, the only time we were able to connect to the Internet was through a cord. Now, we have an almost limitless supply of WiFi hotspots, which cater to our every Internet desire.

More and more students are choosing to purchase laptop computers. Their versatility as well as mobility is a desired trait amongst those in the market for a new computer. Although this is a wonderful luxury to have, it leaves our computers susceptible to thievery from those individuals capable of doing us and our identities harm. The advent of gaming laptops has mischievous hands even more motivated to participate in thievery. Even with this fact, laptops have endlessly improved. Laptop review website has seen t he increase of individuals preferring to laptops instead of home desktop computers due to their portability in use for personal or business matters.

Through conniving tactics, an information thief can utilize WiFi hotspots to steal precious documents from your computer. There are ways in which you can protect your information in these instances.

For starters, be sure to encrypt important documents on your computer. It isn’t a difficult task, but this action ensures data can only be seen when a password is entered into the computer. This password is difficult to get, much like the information it protects.

Secondly, be sure to disable your computer’s wireless and Bluetooth connections when not in use. Disabling this feature prevents hackers and thieves from connecting to your computer remotely, making your files safer.

Lastly, be sure to back up your information on a hard disk somewhere else. In the event your computer files are stolen at a Starbucks on campus, you will have another copy.

These steps are a way to decrease your chances of cyber theft while out and about. Hopefully, you will heed the warning and take the time to protect your computer.