
Learning Specialists and Academic Coaches Replace Regular Tutors

The days of a fellow smart student acting as your after school tutor to prepare you for a really challenging Spanish test are long gone. Students, teachers and parents are utilizing a new form of educational training: learning specialists and academic coaches.
With college degrees becoming more of a society norm, students are recognizing they need to continuously increase their academic pursuits by any means necessary to achieve their goals.
Hiring a private tutor is not a new trend, but shelling out thousands of dollars to learn from an accredited specialist to ensure that your GPA is competitive has many parents wondering if it is worth it.
“When my son came home and said he needed $2,000 to pay for a private tutor for 2 months to help him learn how to study for the MCAT, I thought, learn how to study?! Haven’t you been doing that for 10 years already just fine!?” Karen Martin, who’s son attends the University of Florida, told
But according to Zoe Brown-Weissmann, Stepping Up to Success learning specialist/academic coach and Adelphi professor, personalized educational support can improve reading, writing, time management, studying and test-taking skills, study organization and habits, test-taking strategies and relationships with teachers.
These skills are not only essential to academic efficiency, but will also last a lifetime, which is especially beneficial for medical or law students who have continued education requirements.
While the cost of these private turbo-tutors might be more than most can afford, those who are given the luxury of higher education might consider taking out another loan as the benefits of a learning specialist or academic coach can be quite an investment in your academic future.