
Major in UFO Studies Too Out There?

Can you imagine going to college to pursue a degree in UFO studies? Sounds a little out there (like far outer space, out there), right? Well, maybe it is something that will be happening here on planet Earth pretty soon.
Philip Haseley is an anthropology professor at Niagara County Community College in New York. Haseley feels that UFO sightings are such a common occurrence that the subject should be a field of study.
“(A sighting) happens to millions of people (around the world),” he said. “It’s about time we looked into this as a worthy area of study. It’s important that the whole subject be brought out in the open and investigated.”
How many people actually report UFO sightings? According to the Western New York Mutual UFO Network, around 50 sightings are reported each month in this region of the U.S. alone.
Haseley claims UFO studies would be a valid academic field. He says that due to the vast amount of evidence collected by various UFO believer groups, the study would be based on fact, not simply beliefs.
“We have to deal with skeptics like any other UFO organization, and we are perfectly willing to be critiqued,” Haseley said. “We know people who think this is a nonsense subject. And we’ll refer you to voluminous literature and facts about UFOs.”
I’m not sure I would pursue my major degree in this field, but it could be an interesting elective. Maybe they even get to watch “E.T.” as extra credit!
Via The Telegraph