
Manny Being Manny

Manny Ramirez of the LA Dodgers. (via
Throughout his career, Manny Ramirez has been the guy that does what he wants. This has not been a secret, and Manny likes it that way.
Let it be known that in the second week of May, Manny Ramirez was suspended from baseball for 50 games for taking a banned substance. The substance Manny was found to have taken is used in two situations; women need help to become pregnant and by steroid users needing to increase the natural production of testosterone after finishing a cycle of steroids and his testosterone boosters treatment.

This whole story began during spring training when a test Ramirez performed during spring training revealed an elevated amount of testosterone in his system. Further testing showed the excess testosterone was from an artificial source. Although Manny never tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug, documents were obtained proving he had been prescribed HCG.
Manny’s suspension will take him out of baseball until the Dodger’s game against the San Diego Padres, July 3. Until then, Manny will be doing his thing. After all, its just Manny being Manny.