
Maryland Students Ace AP Exams

If you live in Maryland, the College Board’s Advanced Placement tests should not be nearly as intimidating as if you lived anywhere else in the country.
More high school students in Maryland have taken at least one AP test, and 24.8 percent of students passed the test with a score of at least a three. This is great news for high school students who want to go to college; a three earns college credit at many colleges in the country.
“We have an accelerating number of students taking Advanced Placement,” said Maryland Superintendent of Schools Nancy S. Grasmick. “The courses are being taught with fidelity. The students are meeting the expectations of the coursework, and it’s revealed in their performance.”
In addition to targeting under-represented groups of students, the Maryland education system has made advances throughout the state in order to improve the quality of education for all students. Maryland schools also start preparing students while they are still in middle school, which gives students more time to become comfortable with the rigorous study habits that will be required of them for success in higher education.
New York had the second highest level of AP achievers with 23.8 percent of students passing at least one test. The state of Virginia came in third place, with 22.9 percent of students passing at least one test.
Patricia Wright, the Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction says that Virginia schools are working very hard to help prepare their students for the AP exams. The state of Virgina promotes AP tests by teaching AP material through online classes and subsidizing test fees students from lower-income families. They have also created the Standards of Learning program, a statewide testing program.
“More of our young people are ready for the challenge of AP courses because of the Standards of Learning program, which has raised the instructional floor for all students,” Wright said.
This year, AP exams will be held May 3 – May 14. Exams are administered during morning and afternoon sessions.
Prepare for your exam with these AP studying tips .
Via The Washington Post