
Mercedes-Benz to Offer Driver's Education

Students looking to take driver’s education will have a new option by the end of this year. Mercedes-Benz USA has announced that they will be introducing the Mercedes-Benz Driving Academy for students. This program will offer driving education basics and more advanced techniques that might otherwise be missed due to funding shortfalls for public driver education courses.
Of course this training will have a cost, but the exact amount has not been revealed yet. The program that students will go through includes interactive classroom work, online courses, parental involvement and supervised practice and restrictions. Everything that students will be taught coincides with the state licensing laws.

Mercedes-Benz has built their brand on manufacturing safe cars, so this initiative branches out into creating safe drivers. The program that drivers will participate in was developed by consulting with road safety experts. Many states and school districts have had to cut publicly funded driver education programs due to budget constraints. It is becoming rare to find schools that still offer driver’s education courses, so some car companies have stepped in. Ford offers a similar education program in several states throughout the country.
Via The New York Times
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