
Miami Dade College Celebrates 50 Years as a Model of Education for Hispanics

This week, Miami Dade College, or MDC, will celebrate its 50th year as center of learning for higher education. MDC has been known as a place that provides a college education to minority groups. The school has 171,000 students from 182 countries and serves as a place that offers college education to groups that need to improve their educational standards. The school has a very high reputation right now for the number of students it graduates each year.
The president of MDC is Eduardo Padron and he has been associated with MDC for the past 40 years. Padron believes strongly in the importance of education and the opportunities that a college degree allows beyond what a high school graduate can have. Because of the current political attention immigration is getting and the negative image that comes with it, Padron is seeking to reduce high school dropout rates among Hispanic students and boost educational standards. Padron has been named by President Obama as the chairman of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans. The goal of this project is to create education awareness and show that every citizen should be educated to enjoy the opportunities an education can bring.

Miami Dade College makes it possible for students to earn a degree who might not gain entrance into other universities. Even if you don’t have the traditional background classes required at most schools, you can still take classes at Miami Dade College. This school provides a chance for those that might not think they are able to earn a degree under other circumstances. The open-door policy at MDC offers to help close the gap between the rich and poor by reaching out to those that might not otherwise get an education. Being able to celebrate 50 years is a great honor for MDC. For those who have been educated there already and any future students, the school offers a chance at succeeding through earning a higher education.
Via Fox News Latino