
Michele Bachmann Delivers Caucus-Day Speech to Iowa High School Students

Michele Bachmann has been known for doing some strange things. However, one thing she just did is quite different from her usual antics…and from what the other candidates are doing in order to promote themselves. She delivered her first live caucus-day speech to a group of 800 students at West Des Moines’ Valley High School in Iowa.
Instead of talking about her usual subjects – including her dream of repealing the health care reform law – Bachmann discussed the important role that students can have in the election process and ways they can become leaders and innovators in the future.
“What the next generation needs is innovation,” Bachmann said. “They need opportunities.”
Of course, Bachmann did have to promote herself as a presidential candidate a little bit, but I think she did so in a good way. She promoted her tax plan and told students that it would make it easier to help them find jobs in the future by lowering the cost of conducting business in the USA. She also talked about her own youth, growing up the daughter of a single mother in Iowa. This would help students relate to her and was a good move on her part, in my opinion.
However, I think the best part of her speech was when she encouraged the students who were of legal age to vote to do so in the caucuses, even though she did not explicitly ask them to vote for her.
“Tonight is your night to weigh in and make a difference,” she told the students.
After the assembly finished, Bachmann held a press conference in the parking lot of the high school. During the assembly, she discussed her desire to repeal Obama’s health care law and the current Dodd-Frank financial regulation law.
“We’ll follow [these things] with the abolition of the tax code and put in a pro-growth tax code, and then we’ll build a fence on America’s southern border and legalize American energy production,” she said. “That’ll be a pretty good first couple days work, I think.”
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