
Michelle Obama Targets Summer Learning Loss, Childhood Obesity

Schools out for summer and across America kids are dreaming of ice cream trucks and afternoon snacks of junk food binges.
So naturally, our nation’s leaders are nervous about the tendency of education backslide and the natural plunge into awful eating habits. Especially since reports have shown that an estimated one-third of American children are overweight or obese.
As a result, first lady Michelle Obama, an honorary member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, collaborated on a new campaign to undertake childhood obesity, specifically targeting summer break.
Members of the Obama cabinet joined her in unveiling the administration’s “Lets Read. Lets Move.” campaign. In cooperation with the Corporation for National and Community Service, the project’s goal is to encourage continued reading (specifically the program aims for children to read five books during summer vacation), exercise frequently and a maintain healthy lifestyle.
“Research shows that academic achievement stalls and, for far too many disadvantaged children, actually worsens if they are not engaged in high-quality educational activities during the summer,” said Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education.
Healthy lifestyle kits containing books, healthy snacks and equipment to stimulate and encourage activity will also be distributed to thousands of children.
Also in support of the campaign are the Departments of Agriculture, Interior, Education, and Health and Human who are hoping the project encourages outside activities such as vegetable gardening and horseback riding.
So before you indulge in afternoon ice creams and long video game competitions, consider checking out a book from the library and taking some fruit to a local park for a playtime snack.
Via the CS Monitor