
Michigan Schools Lauch High-Tech 'Blended' Classes

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Starting Tuesday in Grand Rapids, Michigan, high schoolers will begin taking classes in a new format. The new “blended learning” curriculum endeavors to make students more technologically literate, while expanding their approaches to learning.
In the blended course, students will study two subjects, social studies and math. The system is scheduled around a three-day program. The first day is taught in a traditional classroom setting, and the following two days involve meeting with other students and teachers to work on technology-based projects.
“You’re going to be able to see kids that are working on the laptops and access those websites that have useful educational information that is above and beyond what’s just in a book,” said John Helmholdt, Grand Rapids Public Schools director of communications. “They’re going to learn from a website, from a you-tube like video, from an audio reader and from all the different tools that are there for their learning.” He also said that the students would have access to more teacher and members of the support staff than a traditional class.
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