
Mike Pompeo's Educational Background

Mike Pompeo's Educational Background

Why He Deserves Our Notice:
Mike Pompeo is now the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He took over this position from Obama’s John O. Brennan on January 23, 2017. In his new position, he will assume responsibility for both leading the United States intelligence community and serve as a security advisor to President Trump. Prior to that, Pompeo served as the U.S. Representative for Kansas’ 4th congressional district from 2011 to 2017. In addition to being a staunch Republican, he’s also known for holding many of the same beliefs as the ever-controversial Tea Party.
Personal Life and Education:
Born on December 30, 1963, Michael Richard Pompeo is the Dorothy and Wayne Pompeo. He spent much of his early childhood split between Santa Ana and Fountain Valley, California. After earning himself a name as a basketball forward, Pompeo graduated from Los Amigos High School in 1982. He then enrolled at West Point to complete his undergraduate education. In 1986, he graduated as his class valedictorian with a degree in mechanical engineering. Immediately after graduation, Pompeo served as an army officer until he returned to school in 1991.
After his service in the military, Pompeo enrolled at Harvard University to complete his law degree. While there, he served as the editor of the Harvard Law Review. Mike would go on to join Williams and Connolly as an attorney.
While serving in the House of Representatives, he voted on a variety of educational items. He voted to reauthorize the DC scholarship program, fund further abstinence education, and to revoke the items laid out by common core.
School Profiles:

  • West Point University: Better known as “The Point”, this military academy sits on a scenic bluff overlooking the Hudson River. Upon entry to this university, all students are considered “officers-in-training”; they’re commonly referred to as cadets. Students who make it through the rigorous admission’s process are given the chance to earn a bachelor of science degree in a major of their choice. Since its opening in 1801, The Point has managed to produce two U.S. Presidents and 75 Medal of Honor recipients.
  • Harvard University: Established in 1636, Harvard is one of the world’s most illustrious universities. Harvard University is divided into ten separate academic units. Its graduates include 242 Marshall Scholars, 359 Rhodes Scholars, and eight U.S. Presidents. Harvard currently possesses the largest financial endowment in the world.