
Most Unusual College Internships

Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum
Maybe going on Starbucks runs and scheduling appointments isn’t your thing. So for those of you who are looking for a unique internship that’s more than just paper pushing, check out some of the following crazy internships available:
Ripley’s Believe It or Not: Maybe one of the wackiest museums on the planet, Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum is in search of interns who possess qualities, such as being weird or liking to have fun. If you’re into artifacts such as shrunken heads or a lock of Elvis’ hair, maybe this is the internship for you.
TheVatican: Communications students at Villanova University in Pennsylvania may get a chance to work close to the pope. The school lets communications majors intern for the Vatican by working on the website, helping with public relations surrounding papal celebrations and writing for the Catholic News Service.
Jennifer Lopez: Who says you can’t work for J-Lo? Fashion majors may want to snatch this internship. Jennifer Lopez Enterprises, a multifaceted boutique production company, is looking for Spanish-speaking interns who have a knack for answering the phone.
Six Flags:It might be hard to concentrate with all of the cotton candy, roller-coaster rides and overly-stuffed teddy bears, but who cares when you’re interning for an amusement park? College students can find positions in entertainment, accounting, safety, human resources and park services while working for this fun-filled company.
The White House: Forget the week-long trip to Washington, D.C. when you could spend your summer working there. The White House offers internships for students who are interested in the public sector and don’t mind working under pressure.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway: If you like the smell of burnt rubber and the sound of screeching tires, you might enjoy an internship at the same stadium where the Indy 500 takes place every year.
“Who could ask for a better location? Press conferences featuring world famous drivers, such as Graham Rahal and Marco Andretti, happen just floors below me. On one particular day Danica Patrick was hanging out in my area for a conference call,” a recent intern said about his experience at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Via The Huffington Post