
National Hazing Prevention Week 2010

In America, there are over 100 different national fraternities and sororities with millions of members, and over the years, hazing has become a tradition that has plagued the Greek system’s reputation. To combat this demeaning stereotype and to increase awareness and prevention of the actions, many organizations have committed to participating in and promoting National Hazing Prevention Week. This year the campaigns take place September 20-24, 2010.
Hazing is illegal in 44 states across the U.S. and is defined as an action that causes a member or potential member to feel uncomfortable, harmed or embarrassed within a Greek letter organization, regardless of the person being hazed’s willingness to participate.
Here are some of the events and Anti-Hazing campaigns happening around the country this year:

  • Sigma Nu: 40 Answers Anti-Hazing Twitter Campaign
  • Kappa Kappa Gamma: Promote Respect–Prevent Hazing
  • Anti-Hazing Photo and Essay Scholarship Contests
  • Hank Nuwer Anti-Hazing Hero Award: Scholarship Award for Anti-Hazing Advocacy
  • Zeta Tau Alpha Award for Innovation in Campus Hazing Prevention & Education: Scholarship Award for Anti-Hazing Campaign Innovation
  • Alpha Sigma Tau: Endorses “Hidden Harm” by Travis Apgar and Ross Szabo
  • CampusSpeak: Anti-Hazing Motivational Speakers
  • Delta Gamma: Anchored in Courage
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon: We Stand Together
  • The Gordie Foundation: Haze, The Movie

If you or someone you know has been the victim of hazing, please call the toll-free number 1 (888) NOT-HAZE or (888) 668-4293.
Also Read:
Half of High School Students Victims of Hazing
27 Frightening and Disgusting Fraternity and Sorority Hazing Tactics
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