
New Haven Schools Offer to Pay College Tuition for Students

Many students who want to to pursue a higher education face a serious problem: paying for this education. The cost of attending college has been steadily increasing for years, and the new high costs make it impossible for some students to continue their education.
While some students need to take out student loans and work full-time jobs to scrape by, all students who attend school in New Haven, CT need to do is two things: maintain a 3.0 GPA and attend 90 percent of their classes.
New Haven school officials recently unveiled the New Haven Promise. The New Haven Promise is a program that pays a student’s college tuition if he/she meets the requirements listed above. Students in qualifying public and charter high schools can apply for this scholarship.
“[New Haven mayor] DeStefano said the new program was intended to curb a city-wide high school dropout rate of 38 percent and cultivate a college-going culture,” the New York Times reported. “Students will qualify for the financial aid of a sliding scale.”
Another factor that will determine how much financial aid each student will receive is how long they have been attending New Haven schools. Those who have been in city schools since kindergarten will receive the most financial aid, which will most likely be enough to cover 100 percent of their tuition.
New Haven isn’t the only city with this type of program. Detroit, MI, Denver, CO, Pittsburg, PA, Kalamazoo, MI, and San Antonio, TX all have similar programs.
Does your city offer any programs like this? Tell us about it!
Via The Huffington Post