
New Scholarship for High School Losers

A charter school in Utah plans to award college scholarships to students based on weight loss during high school. This scholarship may be the first of its kind, but with rising concern about childhood obesity, it’s not a total shock.
A partnership between a charter high school and a local gym will give students and families the opportunity to get healthy and learn about maintaining weight loss. The school will provide focused programs on medical and sports science, while also offering required high school curriculum. Gym memberships will be available to students at no cost, and also to their families for a discounted rate.

Baer Canyon High School is scheduled to open this upcoming fall. Body Mass Index (BMI) will be measured at student intake, and then again before graduation. The student with the most improved BMI during their time at Baer High will be awarded a scholarship for college. A second scholarship will go to the student whose family has the most improved, combined BMI. As of now, these are the only two anticipated scholarships.
The owner of the Kaysville Sportsplex Gym is awarding the scholarships. Baer Canyon High will be located in the same building as the gym; paying fees to share staff, equipment, and facilities.
While hundreds of scholarships are available to high school students specifically residing in Utah, there are currently none for weight loss. Baer Canyon High will be the first of its kind; a high school focused on health, and awarding money for weight loss.
Implications of monetary rewards for high school students to lose weight will be seen during the implementation of this charter school’s scholarship program.
A counselor representing the state Office of Education supports the idea based on the schools mission, as a medical and sports science focused school, being concurrent with the weight loss scholarship.
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