
New York High Schools Offers Corporate Finance Classes

Martin Luther King Jr. High School of the Arts and Technology in Manhattan’s Upper West Side is working to provide students with real-world business experience by offering a class that teaches students the fundamentals of corporate finance. The course is called “Synergy M&A,” and students are studying deals being made by the financial advisory firm from which the class takes its name. The class is taught by Christina Feng, a Teach for America veteran.
Notably, many of the students in Ms. Feng’s class have Hispanic and black backgrounds. “Finance has a lot of upper middle-class, affluent white people in it,” said Ms. Feng. “It’s a field that traditionally not a lot of my students would feel they could break into.”
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Learning a real-world application seems to be a big draw for students. ”A lot of high schoolers complain about having all these classes, and it’s like, how can I relate to this?” senior Mariangely Gonzales told the New York Times. “But this class directly affects me.”
Other high schools on the east coast are offering similar courses. The Wharton High School of the University of Pennsylvania launched an online program to educate students and teachers alike about business finance and the High School of Economics and Finance also offers a variety of accounting and banking classes.
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