
Northwestern Students to Lose Housing Over 'Brothel Law'

Living off campus in Evanston has gotten harder for Northwestern University students, who may lose housing next year due to the town’s “brothel law.” The zoning ordinance, which has not been enforced for many years, states that no more than three unrelated people may live together. Students living off campus who have more than two roommates will face eviction starting on July 1st, 2011.
The university says it will not lobby for Evanston to reconsider the ordinance, but instead is encouraging students to “think outside the box.” Assistant Dean of Students Betsi Burns recommends that students “go along the shuttle lines and the El to look outside this very small geographic area that students think they need to live in and explore their options.”
Many Northwestern students feel enforcing this law will dissolve the feeling of community surrounding the campus. “I wouldn’t have come to NU if the website said students live in Chicago or take a bus to class,” junior Emily Roskey said. “I don’t want to take a bus to class. I want to be biking around campus or walking around and running into my friends. I came here because it’s a community.”
Via Daily Northwestern.
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