
Oberlin Students Design and Sell T-shirts on Campus

Photo by David Maxwell for The New York Times. From left, Margot Hanley, Karl Orozco and Justin Halliwill with newly designed T-shirts meant to capture the Oberlin College sensibility.
Oberlin College’s bookstore recently held a fashion show to release student-designed t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts as part of a seven-week entrepreneurship contest.
“We wanted a ‘Project Runway’ kind of event, but of course Finney Chapel doesn’t have a runway, so it was more a fashion show,” said Andrea Kalyn, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the director of the project.
“I am completely excited to see my work bought and worn,” said Karl Orozco, a freshman who was one of the contest’s winners.
The winning designs are being sold at the bookstore and most are quirky designs that the judges thought would appeal to the unique dynamic of Oberlin College.
“We wear strange things, we’re a peculiar little community,” said senior, Margot Hanley, an economics major who participated on the marketing team.
The t-shirts sell for $15 and the organic cotton sweatshirts sell for $50, but the contest was not simply just designing a t-shirt or hoodie. Students were also divided into teams for marketing and design and focused on branding, product displays, and merchandising.
Does your school have any interesting student contests currently going on? If so, what are they?
Via The New York Times