
Online Student Planner Offers Free Beta Testing to Students

Here's my OnlineStudentPlanner for this week!
Being in college is probably one of the busiest times of my life. I have never had more assignments to turn in, tests to study for, and jobs to work.
I’ve tried several ways to stay on top of things. I used to try to keep an agenda in my head, but I’d always forget something. Then I tried a notebook agenda, but I didn’t like writing everything down and eventually regressed to trying to remember it all.
But now, a new website has solved my planning problems! allows students to keep track of everything they have going on in their busy lives. The completely online planner allows you to color-code your classes, work, and other activities in a monthly calendar. This makes it really easy to know when you have to do what, and even where you have to go to do it.
In addition to tracking your appointments, you can keep a running record of your grades in each class and figure out what you grade you need to make to pass the class. Pretty nifty, huh?
The best part is that OnlineStudentPlanner is currently in its Beta testing phase, so you can sign up for free!
All of the available features are currently available for anyone to try out and use as much as they want. Each Beta tester will receive a full-time account to use until May 31, 2010. Users who provide feedback and use their planners regularly are also eligible to qualify for a free one-year subscription.
So if you are like me and need some way to stay on top of all of your obligations, commitments and social events, give this new planner a try. Sign up for a Beta account at