
Oprah Winfrey Donates $6 Million to Schools

Anyone that has ever heard of Oprah Winfrey typically knows two things about her: she’s insanely rich and she gives stuff away.
She’s been coined by some as the queen of daytime television. People have gone to great measures to get tickets to her daytime talk show in Chicago. Once per year she has a show where she lists her favorite things and everyone in the audience gets one of everything on that list, and of course, tickets to that particular show are the most coveted of all.
Winfrey’s generosity has once again kicked in and she has donated $6 million dollars to six schools. The money was donated to organizations that are focused on helping troubled schools throughout the country. The funds will be distributed to six different charter schools in Philadelphia, California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana and Texas. These monies were donated through Winfrey’s charitable organization Angel Network. The organization stated that the schools receiving the donation are groundbreaking leaders in the provision of quality public education.
This large donation was announced on September 20, 2010 at a panel of education reform advocates hosted by Winfrey. Winfrey has a track record of being a concerned advocate for education. In 2007 she opened the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, which is an all-girls boarding school in South Africa. Although some do criticize Winfrey for opening a school in another country while there are plenty of education problems in the United States, she is using her influence to shine some light on the problems of the public education system.