
Parent-Teacher Conferences

Another one of those “lasts” happened today. My last parent-teacher conferences. The funny thing is, I was never present for my parent-teacher conferences, so its not exactly one of the “lasts” I’ll miss next year.
Recently East High School has moved to parent-teacher conferences that are more student lead. In our “Ace Time” class (a class we have every Wednesday to do things that relate to grades and school) we filled out a sheet with not only our grades, but also ways to better grades and goals we have the final semester. Our parents picked these sheets up and carried them around during conferences to help see the student’s views and goals for the semester. This is the only input my mom received from me the last two conferences. I actually haven’t gone to conferences since the first round my junior year.
There are many reasons I don’t want to attend conferences but the primary reason is because I feel teachers are more likely to be more honest with your parents without you there. Every time I attended conferences with my mom, my teachers rarely criticized me and would always find the positive things to say when I know I’m not the perfect student. So last year when mom came home and told me my teachers actually had some criticism when I didn’t attend, I decided I wouldn’t attend conferences anymore because I want to know what my teachers honestly think of me and what I need to improve.
So although tonight were my last parent-teacher conferences, I must say I’m glad I didn’t go because my mom told me a few things I know I wouldn’t have heard if I would’ve been there.