
Paychecks Motivating College Students, Not Happiness

Add foresight to the list of Generation Y’s credentials. A recent survey by Experience Inc. indicates that students are planning now for paying off their student loans- 47% said they chose a career path based on their student loan impact.
College graduates are taking preemptive measures to deal with the financial ramifications of student loan debt,” said Jenny Floren, founder and CEO of Experience.

About two-thirds of students currently attending college are likely to accept employment with a company offering loan repayment or assistance. And sadly, nearly half of students surveyed said they’d accept a job with a higher paycheck, even if it meant not being happy with the job, as a means to pay student loans.
It’s definitely a signal to HR directors everywhere- the next time you revisit employee benefits, a student loan program is going to be imperative to attract the next generation of employees.