
Phone Numbers Every Student Should Have in Their Phone

With so many Blackberry and iPhone applications out there, sometimes college students forget the real reason they have a cell phone: to actually call people. So as you embark on another semester of school, here are some handy numbers to keep in your phone to ensure safety on campus:

  • Credit Card Cancellation Numbers: If your credit card gets lost or stolen it is imperative that you call to cancel all of your cards immediately. Most people realize in the heat of the situation that the number to report a lost or stolen card is inconveniently only on the back of the credit card itself, so have it handy on your phone to avoid any delay.
  • ICE (In Case of Emergency): Emergency response teams and police officers are trained to look in phones for numbers stored under the alias ICE. In the case of an emergency, it is important for bystanders to be able to get a hold of someone to alert them of the situation you are in (such as a car accident).
  • Local Locksmith: If you live in an apartment or drive a car, you should always have a reputable, reasonably-priced locksmith’s number handy so you don’t add additional stress to an already inconvenient situation.
  • Local Towing Service or AAA: If you or someone you’re riding with gets a flat or the car breaks down, you want to have a reputable service in your phone so you don’t add stress or or prolong a sometimes unsafe situation.
  • Minutes Left: Avoid overage charges by checking your available month’s minutes balance by calling AT&T: *646#, Sprint: *4, T-Mobile: #646# or Verizon: #646
  • PCP (Primary Care Physician): It is smart to always be able to run questions or concerns past your PCP or one of his/her nurses that is familiar with your past and present medical history.
  • Pharmacy: Most people don’t realize that doctors will call in your prescriptions for you, saving you time, so be sure to have your pharmacy number stored to easily pass along when you need a refill.
  • Roommate: While you may store their number under their actual name, it is also important to keep their number under ‘roommate’ in case somebody finds your phone and wants to return it to you. They often won’t call “mom” or “home” because students tend not to want to talk to other students’ parents unless absolutely necessary.
  • Taxi Service: Even if you own a car, you should keep a local taxi service’s phone number stored in case you are left some where by mistake or need a safe ride home.
  • University Campus Security: In most emergencies, you will simply call 911, but if you see something on campus that needs to be reported, the best method is contacting your local campus security police department as they can direct you from there on who to contact.

You want to be prepared for every situation that may occur, and properly stocking your phone with important numbers can make the difference between a lot of hassle and a simple call.