
President Obama Announces New Plan to Further Science and Math Education

Science and math are two academic fields where the U.S. faces tough challenges from other countries. Now, President Barack Obama, as part of his efforts to improve education in America, is striving to make these fields more appealing to students.
A new campaign called Educate to Innovate was announced in late November to promote science, technology, math, and engineering. The campaign will ask companies and nonprofit groups to donate time and money to encourage students to study in these fields.
“The success we seek is not going to be attained by government alone,” says President Obama. “It depends on the dedication of students and parents, and the commitment of private citizens, organizations and companies. It depends on all of us.”
Educate to Innovate will focus on activities that occur outside of the classroom. Many science and engineering societies are providing volunteers to work with students on their projects.
In addition, several television programs will be participating. Sesame Street will have a new segment of their show that focuses on the sciences and Discovery Communications will also be airing two hours of commercial-free programming geared towards students for this initiative every Monday through Saturday. These programs should begin airing early next year, but an exact date has not been set yet.
Sony is also planning on donating 1,000 PlayStations to the projects. The goal is to help students learn about science and engineering through playing video games.
Hopefully by targeting students at a younger age, Educate to Innovate will help Americans catch up with other international students in the fields of science, math, technology, and engineering.
Via NY Times