
President Obama to Deliver Commencement Speech at Barnard College

In a suave political move, President Obama recently announced that he will be delivering the commencement speech at Barnard College, a women’s college in New York City. By doing so, Obama is showing his support for women and women’s rights at the same time that the Republican party has been rallying to prevent contraceptives being covered under the new health care law.
Some are calling the Republicans’ acts a “war on women,” and by addressing a group of newly graduated women, Obama is putting himself on the side of the ladies. This makes a lot of sense, politically, because with the 2012 Presidential Election only a few months away, the candidates will want to secure as many votes as they can. By speaking to the women at Barnard College, Obama is probably hoping to secure their votes as well as congratulate and inspire them on their graduation day.
Of course, teachers and students at the school are excited to have Obama deliver their commencement speech, no matter whether it is part of his political agenda or not.
“This is just an extraordinary opportunity for the college, a moment in time that will be unforgettable for the graduates and their parents,” said Debora Spar, the president of Barnard.
To thank Obama for speaking, the school plans to award him with the Barnard Medal of Distinction, the highest honor offered at this college. This should be of special importance to Obama because Barnard College is an undergraduate school for his alma-matter, Columbia University.
Via The New York Times
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