
President Obama to Improve National Education Levels

In his weekly address on March 13, 2010, President Obama said he plans on overhauling the education system and the No Child Left Behind program. President Obama said he intends to send a new blueprint for national education to Congress this week that will “improve schools, support teachers and set standards that will give high school graduates ‘the best chance to succeed in a changing world.’”
President Obama said this redraft was necessary to combat the trend of lowering education standards in America. He pointed to the past few decades as an example of how American students are not as competitive as foreign students.
“Unless we step up, unless we take action, there are countless children who will never realize their full talent and potential,” President Obama said during his weekly address.
Obama’s new education reforms will require high schools to better prepare students for continuing their higher education and will more fully emphasize academic achievement than the previous No Child Left Behind program.
President Obama knows his goal to have every student graduate high school is a steep task. “Achieving this goal will be difficult,” he said. “It will take time. And it will require the skills, talents and dedication of many: principals, teachers, parents, students.”
Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this goal becomes reality in the American education system.
Via LA Times.