
President Obama Visits College Campuses and Jimmy Fallon to Support Higher Education

President Barack Obama is gearing up to visit several university campuses across the U.S., and after his most recent Internet and radio addresses, we can be pretty sure of at least one thing he is going to be telling students. In what could be seen as an attempt to win himself some votes come November, Obama is presenting Republicans as opponents to affordable higher education.
“This is a question of values,” Obama said. “We cannot let America become a country where a shrinking number of people really do well while a growing number of people struggle to get by.”
One of Obama’s plans to keep education attainable is by extending a current law concerning federal student loans for low- to middle-income undergraduates. The current law is set to expire of July 1, 2012. If it does, interest rates on these popular student loans will double, forcing students to pay 6.8 percent instead of the current 3.4 percent. On average, this will cause an increase of $1,000 that each student will have to pay back on their loans.
Obama says that the Republicans have been voting against this act and others that would make college less cost-prohibitive for the general population.
“In America, higher education cannot be a luxury,” he said. “It’s an economic imperative that every family must be able to afford.”
Obama plans to travel to the University of North Carolina, the University of Colorado, and the University of Iowa this week. These schools are all in states that are not yet aligned with Obama or Mitt Romney in the upcoming election. He also plans to make an appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon in order to appeal to more students in other states.