
President Obama's Perfect Reaction to Fellow Voter's Girlfriend Joke

Who knew voting could be this fun!? Check out what happened after a man told President Obama not to touch his girlfriend (who happened to be standing next to him to vote)!

The video cuts out the best part of the interaction. After they were done voting, President Obama takes the woman aside and said, “Give me a kiss and give him something to talk about,” as he gave Cooper a hug and a peck on the cheek. “Now he’s really jealous.”
While you probably won’t end up voting next to the President, you should still go vote every chance you get. It’s the best way to make sure your voice is heard.
For a lot of people, the first time they vote is while they’re in college. They’ve recently turned 18 and are ready to exercise their right to vote. In many cases, these people don’t vote until it’s time to elect a President, even if there are other elections between then and their 18th birthday. It’s time for that to change.
Midterm elections are coming up in November, and they are just as important as the Presidential one. If you’ll remember from history or government class, the United States Government is split into three branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Though the Executive Branch may get all the attention when it comes to elections, it’s the Legislative that will be seeing changes following Election Day 2014. Midterms are the time to vote for Senators, new or incumbent, who will help shape the laws of the land.
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Video from NBC