
Priority Candidates Help Recent College Graduates Find Jobs

Everyone knows how hard it is to get a job in the current economic recession. Many students are graduating, and instead of landing a wonderful new job, they are simply keeping their college job. The New York Times reports that less than 20 percent of graduating college students found a job last year. John Challenger, a job market consultant, said job-seekers “will have to find new ways to get in front of hiring authorities, look where other people are not and be willing to take jobs that most people would avoid.” And that’s where Priority Candidates comes into the situation.
Lesley Mitler created Priority Candidates to help recent college graduates find a job. Priority Candidates has also partnered with the Greenberg Education Group, a tutoring company in New York City.
Clients can pay Mitler a hefty sum of $400 per hour in exchange for personalized training in landing a job. During these training session, Mitler critiques résumés, emphasizes old networking contacts that could lead to a future job, and practices interview questions.
How can unemployed 20-year-olds pay this fee? Mitler is counting on their parents to pay. “You invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in your child’s college education,” she said. “If, at the end of it your kid is sitting on the sofa playing video games, what was the point?”
So, if you have had trouble finding a job, consider private tutoring with Priority Candidates. Or do what I’m doing and go to graduate school. Nothing wrong with a little more education, right?