
Protect Music in Public Schools

As I sit here listening to my best friend play away on her flute, practicing for college auditions that are coming up in February, it makes me not only wonder how many hours she has devoted to her playing, but also why music has been removed from elementary schools and why fine arts seems to be so under funded.
It amazes me that not only is my friend an incredible flute player, in my opinion, but there are also many other skills that can be learned from practicing as much as she and my other friends who play instruments have obtained. Such skills and traits as dedication, perseverance, and attention to detail. Such dedication many of my friends exhibit through their practicing is also exhibited in many other aspects of their lives, such as school. They are able to balance between school and their instruments and other activities, and many of them are also in International Baccalaureate, so it amazes me how much time some of them can find in their crazy schedules to practice as much as they do. For example, my friend I are currently listening to practices on average of two hours a day. Many days it’s much longer, until she can no longer move her hands!
This also brings me to the point that music education and fine arts are very important aspects of education, especially for those as talented as my friends. Some of my friends, who are intending to major in musical studies or performances, are relying on their abilities in music to take them on in life. Their love for their music was realized at an early age, most when they started band or orchestra in either the 5th or 4th grades, and from that point on they took advantage of every opportunity that was offered to them. By the school board pushing band into middle school and orchestra to 5th grade though, this hurts some players in that they don’t have as long to develop their skills and find the passion many of my friends have found.
So keep music alive! Either get your kids involved or find some way to show support to the music/fine arts department at yours or your children’s schools. Music is just as important to some as an education.