
Recognizing International Baccalaureate Seniors

This Sunday, all the IB seniors at East High had IB Senior recognition. This was where we received our IB stoles and a few other small gifts for being a senior in the IB program. Our administrator spoke and said a few things that really hit home for a lot of the seniors. The fact that there are a number of aptitudes that describe IB students, such as reflective and open-minded, is entirely true. I don’t know if I can say that IB has taught me these things, but the program has definitely helped me to realize the importance of such aptitudes.
Although the ceremony was nothing extravagant, it was nice to be recognized for all the hard work we as IB students have put in over the last four years of our life. Many students think it;s funny when I say I write a 4,000 word essay for a key chain and want to graduate from the IB program simply to get the stole we get to wear at graduation. Getting such things in a sense push me on because it’s a tangible reminder of all the hard work I have put into the program and what good can come of pushing yourself in such a way.
The recognition also helped me to see how close everyone is within the IB program. It is true when people say that IB allows for the students to form a much tighter community than most students experience. This sense of community, not only with the students, but also experienced with the teachers and administrators, really helps a student in a way I find difficult to describe. By having so many people support you, you know you are capable of almost anything.
So here’s to the IB Senior class of 2009 at Wichita High School East!