
Record Stress Levels in College Freshmen

In a survey conducted of over 200,000 students entering four year colleges, it has been found that the emotional health level of freshmen is at its lowest level in 25 years.
Students are depressed and under stress with some of them using psychiatric medication. More students arrive on campus with problems and are in need of support. Students worry about the debt they are accruing while in college and if they will be able to find a job after graduating and it is causing a lot of additional stress for them.
During this survey students were asked to rate their own emotional health and the emotional health of others. While many students rated their own emotional health below average, it was more difficult for them to gauge the emotional health of others.

Incoming college students are concerned that even earning a college degree won’t be enough for them to earn above minimum wage. They are struggling with the pressure of having to get accepted into an M.B.A. or Ph.D. program. For several students, the stress starts even before they start college. Students are becoming overwhelmed with the process of getting into college and the things they must do to gain admittance. Although the exact cause of the stress is not identified, the economy is the suspected culprit. Many students are not only worried about their own future, but the current and future state of their parents.
From the survey results, women were more than twice as likely to say they felt overwhelmed as men. Whether it is economic woes or the stresses involved with getting into college, this survey shows that students are definitely feeling pressure from somewhere as they start their college experience.
Via The New York Times
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