
Remember the Milk Manages Busy College Student Schedules

When you are in college, there are so many things you have to do every day. It can be so easy to forget about something you have to do. I am a very forgetful person, so I constantly have to write myself sticky notes reminding me to turn in an assignment or to pick something up from the store. However, those small scraps of paper have a way of escaping me pretty often.
So what’s a girl to do? Well, if she’s up to date with the latest social media sites, she uses Remember the Milk.
Remember the Milk is a free website that allows users to manage their tasks from anywhere in the world. Remember the Milk can be used on a computer with Internet access. Or, if you have a pro account, you can sync Remember the Milk with your smart phone or iPod Touch, making it completely portable.
There is also a brand new iPhone app that is completely free for pro users. This Remember the Milk app allows users to see which tasks are located nearby when they are out and about, then add or complete tasks. The best part is that it allows iPhone addicts to stay completely up to date and organized.
Remember the Milk allows users to make tasks lists, set reminders, and organize their lives in whatever way works best for them. You can customize your to-do lists by adding titles, due dates, locations, task durations, and more to every new task you add. This makes it nearly impossible for you to forget to study for your test, do your laundry, or buy some milk when you go to the grocery store.
This is a great way to stay organized, accomplish the tasks you set out to do, and avoid procrastinating during the school year.

  • Makes it harder to procrastinate by forgetting
  • Free to use the website application
  • Easy to navigate and use the website
  • Available as an iPhone app for portable use
  • Can be synced with Google calendars, Twitter, and Gmail


  • Yearly $25 membership upgrade fee for mobile use