
Rory McIlroy's Educational Background: Did He Hit Hole-In-Ones in the Classroom?

A professional golfer from Northern Ireland, Rory McIlroy is the winner of the 2011 U.S. Open and the 2012 PGA Championship. He’s the youngest player in history to win the PGA tour. When not practicing on his golf swing, he lives in County Down and donates his time to various charitable causes. For example, he’s a UNICEF ambassador for all Northern Ireland. On December 21st of 2016, Golfweek also revealed something that might be filling his calendar for some time to come: wedding plans. The long-time bachelor recently unveiled plans to marry his current fiancé, Erica Stoll, sometime in April of 2017. Not born with a putter in his hand, though pretty darn close to it, Rory started life as a little boy growing up in Northern Ireland.
Born on May 4th of 1989, Rory’s the only child of Gerry and Rosie McIlroy. His father, being a fan of golf himself, introduced his son to the sport before the boy learned to walk. By the age of two, McIlroy was hitting 40-yard drives and sinking hole-in-ones by the age of nine. Realizing his son had a gift, Gerry McIlroy and Rosie McIlroy worked late shifts and multiple jobs to pay for the best in golfing education. Judging by the fact that he won his first international championship in Florida at ten years old, all the hard work seemed to have paid off. However, with all that time dedicated to golf, it only goes to reason that his schooling might suffer.
For the entirety of his academic career, Rory McIlroy attended the Sullivan Upper School located in Hollywood of Northern Ireland. Founded in 1877, this cross-denominational, coeducational school is home to approximately 1,100 enrolled pupils. The school is known for some high-level wins in rugby, hockey, golfing, and cricket. What it’s not, however, is the place McIlroy graduated from. In fact, he never graduated at all. At age 16, Rory dropped out of school to pursue a full-time career in professional golf and, so far, has never looked back.