
Rudy Giuliani: Is His Educational Resume As Big as the Big Apple?

The former mayor of New York City and a figure of heated controversy, Rudy Giuliani is a businessman, public speaker, former presidential candidate, and lawyer. While formerly a Democrat, Giuliani has been a loyal member of the Republican Party for over 30 years. During his time as mayor, he helped lower the rate of violent crime, stymy urban decay, and battle back a tide of corrupt corporate financiers. Additionally, in 2001, Rudy provided some much-needed leadership for a Big Apple left reeling by September 11th. His work for NYC helped him to be named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2001. After failing to secure the 2008 presidential nomination, Rudy Giuliani has departed politics in favor of the private sector. Considering his advanced age, it seems unlikely he will go beyond his current level of education. Just how educated is old Rudolph?
Born to Helen and Harold Giuliani on May 28th of 1944, Rudolph William Louis Giuliani grew up surrounded by a family consisting mostly of firefighters and police officers. His father, once arrested for robbing a man at gunpoint, drilled a deep sense of respect for authority, order, and personal property into his young son. While his grades qualified for few accolades, Rudy showed a deep interest in politics from an early age. His father’s constant lecturing on the importance of societal order drove Giuliani to take his place in the courtroom.
In 1961, Giuliani ended his primary school career at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High. From there, Giuliani moved enrolled at Manhattan College. This co-educational, Roman Catholic liberal arts institution, serves about 4,000 students annually across all of its urban campus. Centrally located in the Bronx, the school is best known for its high return on investment. After graduating from this prestigious school in 1965, he attended, and graduated from, the New York University Law School. You can find out more about New York’s oldest law school by peeking at our entry on EduInReview. One thing’s for certain about Giuliani’s law degree: he used it.