
Samsung Releases the Galaxy, a Strong Competitor for Apple's iPad

So, you haven’t bought into the Apple frenzy and bought a new iPad? iPads are pretty cool devices that can be very useful for students. I have seen many students at my school who have switched from a heavy laptop to a lighter iPad to do their homework on campus, but, if you have not been impressed with the iPad and are holding out for something better, you will be pleased to hear that Samsung has released it’s own tablet computer- and this new tablet has some features that the iPad does not.
Samsung announced on September 23, 2010 that it would soon release it’s new tablet, the Galaxy. The Galaxy is a 7-inch touchscreen tablet, similar to the iPad. It will be available through Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Spring Nextel, and AT&T.
The Galaxy is an improvement over the iPad because it has two cameras – one that is front-facing and one that is back-facing. This allows users to use the Galaxy to take pictures or possibly video-chat with other users.
Another change is that the Galaxy runs on the Android operating system. There are currently around 80,000 applications for the Galaxy, which is much less than the 100,000,000 that Apple claims to have in their newest commercials.
“With the Galaxy Tab, Samsung will redefine the tablet market,” said Dale Sohn, president of Samsung Telecommunications America. “Samsung Mobile expects to be a major player in this market.”
Apple has been dominating the hand held technology market for the past few years. I think it will be very interesting if this new product will become a strong competitor in this field. Or, will it go the same way the Walkman did when the iPod was introduced – still produced, but not at all desired.
What do you think? Share your thoughts below!
Via Fox News
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