
School Pride Ends 1st Season with Hollenbeck Middle School in Los Angeles, California

NBC concluded their travel around the country renovating America’s schools for their first season of the hit show School Pride at Hollenbeck Middle School in Los Angeles, California.
Comparable to previous episodes, Former Miss USA and Designer Susie Castillo, Comedian Kim Whitley, Political Journalist Jacob Soboroff and Team Leader and Voice Over Host Tom Stroup come together to spearhead the restoration project of the school.

The public magnet school that contains a historically Hispanic population of 6-8th graders had trash everywhere, broken concrete, out of date technology and an unsafe athletic field, among other problems. These problems were so severe that they enlisted the Mayor of Los Angeles to aid in the project.
Home of the Junior Raiders, the restoration project took place from August 22 to August 28, 2010, and was the largest school of the season.
The School Pride team, volunteers and NBA Lakers star Derek Fisher renovated the entrance, the classrooms, the hallways, the outdoor cafeteria space, the athletic department, and re-painted Hollenbeck, which is in the Five School District in California. The team also created an organic, healthy garden for the teachers and students to literally learn and grow.
School Pride rewarded the students and teachers for their restoration efforts with a trip to Dodger Stadium for a baseball game and meet and greet with Joe Torre.
As projects this large often need financial support, once again, in true NBC fashion, there was product placement from Home Depot, Armstrong, On Star, WalMart, Sagus, the American Heart Association and Microsoft, although it was not subtle by any means this episode.
That concludes the first season of School Pride. Do you think there will be a second season?