
Schools Use Wii as Part of New Curriculum

The other day one of my friends asked me to come over and play Wii. I had been complaining that I hadn’t made it to the gym lately because I was tired of doing the same old exercises every day.
At first, I was skeptical about using Wii to exercise, but I game it a shot and found out it was really a lot of fun!
Evidently, this discovery that Wii is pretty awesome is being made across the country, and not just by my friends and me. Two schools in Lindale, Texas, are now using the Wii as part of their school curriculum to help improve students’ health.
The Early Childhood Center is starting a program called “Wii Can Do It,” which uses the Wii as therapy for disabled students to help them “learn how to become more knowledgeable about goals and objectives.”
Lindale Primary School is also starting a program, called “Wii Fit, Wii Moving, and Wii Happy.” This program will encourage physical activity, balance, and hand-eye coordination among students.
This is a great idea, and I must admit, I’m pretty jealous. When I was in elementary school, we just had plastic balls that we threw at each other during games of dodge ball.
For some reason, playing Wii sounds better than being pegged in the head and having to sit out for the rest of the game. But maybe that’s just me.
Via GamePro