
Largest Athletic Budgets of Top 10 Ranked College Teams

College football season just about over. Basketball season is in full swing, and in the spring it’ll be baseball time. Sports are a huge part of the college experience, and at some schools, they are also a huge part of the budget.
The following are the top 10 ranked schools from 05-06 and what their athletic budgets were.
Is your school on the list?

1. Ohio State University- $101.8 million
2. University of Oklahoma- $64.3 million
3. Louisiana State University- $62.7 million
4. University of Kentucky- $57.1 million
5. University of South Carolina- $53.1 million
6. Boston College- $51.8 million
7. Arizona State University- $46.6 million
8. University of Oregon- $44.6 million
9. West Virginia University- $39.2 million
10. University of South Florida- $24.3 million
Via The Wall Street Journal