
Scott Sicko Picks a Higher Education over the NFL

Scott Sicko: Image Via New Hampshire Union Leader
The NFL Draft started last week, and for many college football players, it has been a very exciting time. So far, 245 college players have decided to leave behind their college education in pursuit of a professional football career. Scott Sicko is not one of those 245 players.
Sicko was an offensive tight end for New Hampshire who showed some great potential for a professional football career. However, after the seventh round of draft picks, Sicko removed his name from the list of professional hopefuls. His reasoning? He wants to continue his education.
“Some people will think I’m absolutely out of my mind, and I understand it,” Sicko said. “I completely see where they’re coming from. If I were to be drafted, I would have had more confidence of a much longer career in the NFL. I have to look at my life and decide what will make me the happiest. And the thing that will make me the happiest now and in the long run is to pursue my education.”
Some are concerned that Sicko’s main motivation in withdrawing from the draft is not really to pursue his education, but to protect his pride. Doug Farrar, a sports writer for Yahoo, said that he thinks Sicko should not “close the book on a potential NFL future” just because he was not drafted in the first few rounds.
No matter what his motivation, his decision to continue his education is still a good thing. Sicko plans to work on his post-grad degree in history. If furthering his education is what will make him the happiest, then I say go for it!