
Sell Burritos, Get Paid as a Chipotle Student Brand Manager

Students, are you a fan of Chipotle? If so, there is an opportunity for you to become a student brand manager for the fast-casual restaurant. In order to bring Chipotle to your high school or university you must be 16 or older and be actively involved on your campus.
What exactly will your duties be as a Chipotle Student Brand Manager? You will have to promote the yummy burritos and tacos to fellow students on campus. You’ll be representing the brand, looking for opportunities that will let other students know that Chipotle is on campus, and using social media to promote the brand. Don’t worry – you won’t be doing this all on your own. Chipotle will offer guidance from their marketing representatives.
The company is offering a real-world experience for students who are looking for a career in the marketing industry. In other words, it is similar to an internship for college students because they have to attend two full academic semesters at their university and must work on Chipotle projects for five to ten hours per week.
The job does come with some perks. College Student Brand Managers will get paid $750 per semester, which is a pretty nice little stipend. In addition to the money, brand managers will receive 100 Burrito Bucks. And, high school brand managers will receive a party at their local Chipotle for their friends.
Your school may or may not already have Chipotle on campus; if it is not on your campus then you can apply on Facebook. If your school already has Chipotle on campus, you can still apply to become a student brand manager. Think the job sounds right for you? Apply now and get those big ‘ole burritos on your campus!
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