
Senior Year Thus Far

It’s crazy to think that it’s been a full month since I started my Senior year. With a rocky start it seemed this year would drag on and on, so that college seemed as though it would never come. But as I look back on the last month, I realize that so far, my Senior year has had a great start.
I will admit things have been stressful. Trying to finish my Extended Essay for IB, picking up a completely new sport (golf!), starting my college application process, and worrying about my regular coursework, things have gone past chaotic. I’ve been kept busy and although finding time to sleep has been difficult it hasn’t been as impossible as I thought it would be!

Senior year is a year where a lot of growth occurs. You mature as you realize what all you will have to face once you graduate and go off to a college or university of your choice. It seems myself and my friends have begun taking much more responsibility for our actions and that we have grown so much closer in a matter of one month! I am excited to see not only myself but also my friends grow throughout the year and see where we all end up going after graduation. Although I do not look forward to our final goodbyes, I have come to realize that the friends I have now will always be a part of me because not only have they been through so much with me these past 3 years, they have also helped shape the person I am today.
I hope as the year progresses that it will turn out just as fun and exciting or even more as the past month has been. Its my Senior year! And I intend on having as much fun as I possibly can! This may be the last chance I get to see some of these people so having a good senior year and enjoying myself is essential so there is nothing I can look back on and regret doing or not doing.