
Set of Quadruplets Accepted to Yale University

Ray Crouch applied for early admission to Yale University. One day in mid-December, he learned he had been accepted to the Class of 2014 when he logged on to the school’s website. Ray’s twin brother, Kenny, had also applied for early admission, and he was also accepted the same day. Imagine the boys’ parents’ surprise when their sister, Carol, was also accepted to Yale.
Ray, Kenny, and Carol are three-quarters of a set of quadruplets who all applied to Yale. The last quadruplet, Martina, was nervous she wouldn’t be accepted, but upon checking, she learned she had also been accepted. This is the first time that anyone can remember a set of quadruplets was accepted to Yale University.
The Crouch quadruplets are very intelligent. They rank from 13 to 46 in their senior class of 632. Carol even had a perfect verbal SAT score. All four students have more than earned their spot in the Class of 2014.
However, it is quite possible they will not actually attend.
The first obstacle standing in their way is a financial one. Money is tight in their family, since their father works for the Department of Mental Health and their mother is a stay-at-home mom. Yale does offer scholarships and financial aid for lower-income families, but this aid might not be enough.
Another issue for the quadruplets is that they want to branch out and establish their own identities.
“It might be fun to go somewhere where I’m not ‘one of the quads’,” Kenny said.
All four students have applied to other schools and have received acceptance letters to these separate schools. This will be a difficult decision for their family to make, but it is certainly interesting to see where each student will attend.
Via The New York Times
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