
Setting New Year’s Resolutions for 2011

As the New Year approaches, you will find people everywhere evaluating the things they didn’t get done in 2010 and vowing to make some important changes. Chances are, you can find an area you want to improve on no matter who you are. Whether you want to develop better saving habits, study more or avoid procrastination, setting a New Year’s resolution can motivate you to make the changes you want to make.
One of the important things to remember when setting a goal or resolution for 2011 is to keep it reasonable. Make it something you can actually achieve. No matter what your goal is, there are some ways to make success easier.

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to set a resolution that you can stick with. Here are some elements to incorporate when setting a goal or New Year’s resolution for 2011:

  • Select carefully: Choose a goal that you can achieve with some basic elements. It should be something that you see the importance of so that you’ll stay motivated. You want to select goals that you can actually accomplish. Be careful not to be too broad. Narrow things down so that you know exactly what you’re trying to do.
  • Write it down: Writing down your goals and placing them somewhere that you will frequently see helps keep your goals at the forefront of your mind. Every time you see these written out goals, you will be forced to ask yourself what you’re doing to achieve them.
  • Make smaller steps toward a big goal: If your goal is a big one like losing weight, break it down into smaller steps. This can turn one daunting goal into several small manageable ones. As you reach one of these smaller goals, that will keep you motivated to keep going. Seeing progress goes a long way towards keeping you excited about achieving our goal.
  • Be positive: If you don’t believe that you can reach your goals, you’re right. Having a positive attitude and believing in yourself contributes to your motivation level and dedication. Those that have a positive outlook will be able to deal with setbacks without giving up. This can be the difference in succeeding or failing when it comes to reaching your goals.