
Setting Yourself Apart for College Acceptance

One of the main things colleges will look at when reviewing your application is what makes you stick out from all the other applicants who are just as qualified, if not more qualified than you. But what exactly will really make you stick out and set you apart from all the other applicants the college is considering for admissions?
One thing for me is how involved I have been with yes, Girl Scouts. This year will be my 12th year as a Girl Scout. I have earned all my religious awards and was just recently awarded my Gold Award (which is the equivalent of the Eagle Scout award). Even though I’ve been teased countless times about being in scouts at my age, I have stuck with it because of all the opportunities scouts has offered me. Colleges will see how long I’ve been involved with scouts and say to themselves “this girl is someone dedicated and sticks with things she starts,” and that’s one thing that will set me apart from all the other applicants.
Another thing that I do that will stick out is how involved I’ve been with my youth group. I am involved with my church on the district level as a Lutheran Youth Fellowship Representative. This position shows that I have leadership skills and that these skills can be used in almost any situation, especially when a leader is needed!
So find something that sets you apart, to those reading your applications, from all the other applications they will review. Whether it’s a sport you excel in or another extracurricular activity that you have participated in for years, such as my Girl Scouts, then be sure to make a big deal out of it! Sell yourself, a little bragging never hurt! Stick out like a sore thumb!