
Shark Week Schedule on The Discovery Channel

If you have been on Facebook or Twitter this weekend you may have noticed your friend’s anticipation about Shark Week, as it seems all of America is excited to jump into The Discovery Channel’s week-long series of television programs featuring sharks.
Covering a range of species, habitats and various other marine life, Shark Week, which first premiered on July 27, 1987, has evolved into an American obsession.
This year Shark Week began August 1 and will have a guest hosting by Craig Ferguson from The Late Late Show.
Featuring six brand-new shark specials, the program by The Discovery Channel aims to educate America and worldwide viewers about the species.
The series opener Into the Shark Bite aired Sunday night and the full episode is already available online. The show consists of attacks from inside the world’s most deadly sharks’ mouths.
Monday night Shark Attack Survival Guide will air where host Terry Schappert shows viewers how to survive shark attacks, skills he attained from his Special Forces training, by putting himself in dangerous and deadly scenarios.
Also on Monday evening is Day of the Shark III where six shark attack survivors recall their bloody experiences.
Tuesday night Shark Bite Beach recreates dramatized stories of the summer of 2008 when the Californian and Mexican coast was victim to numerous attacks.
Wrapping the new shows on Wednesday evening Shark Bites: Adventures In Shark Week airs when Craig Ferguson goes to the Bahamas to interact with sharks sans a cage. The show also contains clubs of the last 20 years of Shark Week and is reportedly very emotionally moving, funny and scary.
Parents and students alike are surely going to be tuning in this week to one of America’s most successful educational programs, will you be watching too?