
Six Backpack Essentials

I consider it my college survival kit. It’s the one thing I have with me every day when I venture forth on to the college campus. I’ve only left it at home a few times in the three years I’ve been in college and something bad has happened to me every time I have done so.
What could I be talking about? My backpack.
Backpacks are wonderful inventions. They allow you to carry everything you need in a stylish, hands-free bag. Mine is hot pink and purple, but you could just use a discreet black one if you do not want to draw so much attention to yourself.
The color and design are not what really matter though. What matters is what you have inside your college backpack. When I wake up in the mornings, my brain usually has some cobwebs cluttering it up. But I just grab my backpack and head out the door because I know it has everything in it that I will need to be (at least) moderately successful and happy that day.
So, for your viewing pleasure, I present my six backpack essentials.
1. A pencil or a pen. Let’s face it: You should take at least some notes in class. Or if you are not going to take notes, you need something to doodle with while the professor drones on and on about ionic bonds or that interesting time period in the past century. I recommend taking notes, but I’ve seen some pretty cool dinosaur sketches in lecture classes that would never have been possible without a writing utensil.
2. A notebook. This kind of ties in with the pen or pencil necessity. I try to keep my notes for every class in their own separate binder, but when I forget the binder, it’s nice to have something to write on besides my hand, forearm or jeans.
3. A few spare dollars. Sometimes I really need a soda or candy from the vending machines on campus. And unfortunately, they don’t take credit cards. It’s always a good idea to keep about five dollars in cash on you. Don’t keep much more than that though because if you lose your backpack, you don’t want to lose your life savings as well.
4. Hand sanitizer. Fall is flu season, so try to stay healthy by washing your hands whenever possible. When it’s not possible, just blob some hand sanitizer on your hands and feel safe to enjoy those M&Ms you bought with the five dollars you have stashed in your backpack. (Aren’t you glad you read this article now?)
5. A music player and headphones. I go to a large university and it takes me about 15 minutes to walk from one end of campus to the other. I don’t really mind the hike though because I can always whip out my iPod and jam out to the Black Eyed Peas or Lil Wayne while I’m walking. Just try not to sing along too loudly; trust me, people will stare.
6. Cell phone. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but in today’s world where people like to be in constant communication with other people, it’s important to keep your cell phone handy.
Of course you can put other things in your backpack. What do you keep in your backpack?
Let me know in the box below.