
Snooki Gets Paid Big Bucks to Speak at Rutgers

If wanted to know more about what kind of hair spray to buy and how much time to spend at the tanning salon, then you should have attended Rutgers University.
Why, you ask? The Huffington Post reported that Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, from the hit reality show Jersey Shore, was paid $32,000 to talk to the mostly-female-Rutgers audience about her obnoxiously-large hair, hitting the gym and fake tan.
“Inside the Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi Studio” sold out with 1,000 students in attendance. The hefty price tag was paid for with mandatory student activity fees, which undergraduates pay with their tuition.

Understandably, this isn’t all that shocking. I mean, Snooki, who may never actually graduate college, at least is a New Jersey native. However, what is shocking is that a Nobel-winning novelist will be paid less than the reality TV star. In mid-May, Toni Morrison, author of well known novels like “Song of Solomon” and “Beloved”, will only receive a mere $30,000 to give a commencement speech.
While some students say they got Snooki for a bargain, others snubbed the “party queen’s” useless advice, especially since it had to be paid with tuition money. I must say that even though Snooki isn’t the most intelligent person in the world, she is entertaining to listen to, and quite frankly students need a break from all of the know-it-all speakers. What better way to un-wind from homework and tests than to listen to a not-too-bright reality star?
Disagree? Comment below, and let us know much Snooki’s advice is worth.
Via The Huffington Post
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