
Socializing Key for High School to College Transition

The next couple of weeks are typically bittersweet for high school seniors. On one hand, you are about to leave friends and family in your journey for scholastic excellence. On the other hand, you are about to enter into a whole new ballgame. This coming transition is one that will shape the rest of your life. But don’t be afraid, college is something that should be experienced not only for educational prosperity, but for social reasons as well.
When I graduated high school, I chose to leave all of my friends behind. While they all chose to attend the Texas Tech University, I went to the University of Oklahoma, where I knew three people… tops. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, the first two weeks were rough, but I dedicated myself to making a new group of friends, and I did just that. I joined clubs and organizations, volunteered around the school and met new people everywhere I went.
Initially, it took more effort to foster these new relationships, but it was well worth it. The initial setback I encountered with this major transition in my life wasn’t in regards to my social skills, but my activity levels on campus. I found that once I began being seen on campus, things were much easier. I was able to make friends and have a good time while still expanding on my education.
Graduating seniors should look at this coming transition as an opportunity, not a threat. College will make you a professional that has the education and social know-how to thrive for the rest of your life. So live up the next couple of weeks, because a big change is on the horizon. You are soon to be a college freshman.