
The Start of Softball Season

As if my schedule wasn’t full enough, softball season came faster than I expected! After a month of conditioning, softball has started (excuse the pun) in full swing.
This year, unfortunately since its my senior season, will be a year of rebuilding. Not only do we have an extremely young team, we also have a new coach that is fairly new to Kansas. Even though we are only three days into the season, I must admit that I have learned so much more from this coach than I have from any other. This excites me because I know there are a bunch of small things I need to work on that will improve my game and I know this coach will help me make these improvements. We have focused on the fundamentals every day so far and even though it gets a little repetitive, it will really help not only the younger girls but also us older girls who could use a few days going over basics again.
I am extremely excited for this season. Not only because it is my senior season, but also because it’s a young team, which not only allows me to be a leader on the team, but the fact that they are so young will allow me to try and teach them softball. I believe if you are able to teach something, you know it extremely well. And considering how long I’ve been playing, I would hope I know a lot about softball! So as the season progresses, I hope coach can help build a strong, young team that can help get East High’s softball program back on its feet.